While both men and women can experience post-traumatic stress disorder after a traumatic event, women are known to experience it differently than men. The symptoms women struggle with can be experienced over a longer period. They can become more sensitive to reminders of their trauma, and it usually takes much longer for their PTSD to […]
How to Wear a Back Brace Properly
Wearing a back brace can help you if you are suffering from lower back pain or recovering from a back injury. And if your job involves a lot of heavy lifting or you struggle with poor posture, your back brace can help your spine maintain a neutral position while reducing the strain on your back […]
6 Best Shoulder Exercises for Women
What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of the word “workout”? We’d be willing to bet that exercising your shoulders is probably last on your list. If it even makes it on the list, that is. However, shoulder exercises should not be overlooked. Did you know that exercising your […]
7 Causes of Lower Back Pain in Women
Most people will experience lower back pain at least once during their lifetime. But unfortunately for us women, lower back pain is more common for us than for men. While it can be caused by poor posture, stress, a herniated disc, or sciatica, some causes of lower back pain are specific to women, which might […]
How to Relieve Lower Back Pain Post-Pregnancy
Lower back pain is a prevalent postpartum complaint. You’ve undergone hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy that can contribute to and exacerbate back pain. And new circumstances like changes in your posture and carrying your baby may also cause strain leading to discomfort. Though back pain after pregnancy will usually resolve on its own after […]
7 Best Methods of Stress Relief for Women
It is not uncommon for women to take on more day-to-day stressors than they can manage. Stress happens when demands placed on you, or those you put on yourself, exceed your ability to cope. Stress can come from a reaction to a short-lived situation, for example, being late for an appointment. This type of stress […]
7 Best Back Exercises for Women at Home
Back pain, tenseness and soreness is a frequent issue for many women, particularly if you spend a lot of your day sitting around home. Fortunately, if you are hurting because of your back, there are various back exercises for women to alleviate the pain and stop it from occurring in the future. The best thing […]
12 Early Signs of Depression in Women
Depression is more common in women than it is in men, and it can affect them in a different way. If you feel like you might be struggling with depression, or if you are worried about a woman you know, see if you can recognize the early signs of depression in women. If you do […]
Best Tips After Shockwave Therapy Treatments
The human body works a lot like a machine. After we reach our physical peak, we can perform amazing feats of strength. Eating the right foods helps us stay healthy in the long run. However, as time goes on, our bodies can become worn down. Shockwave therapy may be needed to help with this. It […]
9 First Steps After Finding Out You Are Pregnant
Congratulations, you’ve just found out you are pregnant! It’s a thrilling time in your life but it can also be overwhelming. So much information is available these days it can be hard to know where to start. If you’ve just found out you are pregnant, taking these first steps can help you feel more prepared […]
7 Best Weight Loss Foods for Women
One of the hardest things for most people to do is lose weight. If you’re a female and you struggle with this concern, you may want to find ways to help. Eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones will make a massive difference in your weight loss journey. It will take time to […]
How to Prepare Healthy Meals for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is a wonderful experience, but it’s also exhausting and overwhelming. When you get home after a long day at work, you might simply be too tired to even think about cooking a healthy meal. And yet you know you should eat something healthy and nutritious for dinner since you are now responsible for your […]