If you’re applying for a payday loan, you’re going to need a few things before you can get that money deposited into your bank. Don’t worry, acquiring a payday loan is easy, but it is even easier if you have everything in order before you apply.
What do you need for a payday loan? Below are the ten requirements.
1. Age
Being above the legal age is necessary for a payday loan. Payday loans cannot legally provide services to individuals under the age of 18 in Canada. You will not be approved for a payday loan if you are under age.
2. Citizenship
You also need to be a Canadian citizen to get a payday loan. This stipulation is in place for a couple of reasons. First, it helps confirm to the lender that you are a credible borrower with roots in the country. It also simplifies issues regarding taxes.
3. Employment
You must be employed at a steady job or receive consistent income, usually via direct deposit. This shows the lender that you have regular, steady income, and that you will be receiving money at some point to help pay for your loan.
4. Income amount
Many lenders require that you make at least a certain amount of money each month. A common number is $1,200, but it may vary by company. This is deemed to be the minimum amount that an individual could make monthly, and still be able to logically pay back their loan.
5. Bankruptcy
If you are currently bankrupt, or if you are planning to file for bankruptcy in the next 90 days, you will not be approved for the loan. For obvious reasons, the lender will not lend to you if they believe you are not going to be able to pay it back.
6. Bank account
Payday loans are typically made through direct deposit. This means you will need to have an active bank account in order to borrow from a payday lender. Most lenders also require that the bank account has been open for at least 90 days, primarily for credibility purposes.
7. Social Insurance Number
Some lenders require that you provide them with your SIN. This helps them to understand your profile more completely, and it can help confirm your identity.
8. Photo identification
A valid photo ID is required to take out a payday loan. This confirms that you are who you say you are, and that the transaction is legal. Photo ID is usually considered any government-issued identification with a photo on it. This includes a driver’s license, passport, Indian status card, Canadian citizenship card, health card, or firearms license. Check with the lender you are working with to confirm that the ID you plan to present is accepted as a valid form of ID.
9. Short-term debt ratio
You won’t always be required to prove your past in terms of short-term debt, but some companies will be interested to know if you have had loans like this before, and if so, how they turned out for you. Were you able to pay them back? How many have you had? Have you ever defaulted on payments?
Payday loans don’t typically care if you have a good credit rating, that is not their target demographic. They want to know that you understand what a short-term loan is, what it entails, and what it means to pay it back.
10. Application
All of this information needs to be filled out in a written application form or an online application form. The form must be filled out in its entirety with correct and valid information, or it could be rejected. Once the form is filled, it will go in for approval. Your money will arrive in your account about a day after that approval comes through.